Mum gets these silvervine dental sticks cause they are good for my teeth and remove excess plaque build-up. But that’s not why I like ‘em. No siree. I like ‘em beclaws they give me feelings of eu-fur-ia.
A couple of minutes chewing and boom. I start feline blissed out. Then, next thing I know, I’m zipping round the house, rolling around on my back, playing games with my toys and being affectionate with my purrents. It lasts fur about an hour and can help my anxiety. But don’t worry you. Silvervine is actually good for me and has zero side effects. I’m not kitten you. It just makes me more relaxed.
So, if you want to give me good teeth and good vibes, then Silvervine dental sticks are a good start.
Length 12cm